Sacred Circle
I sometimes struggle with the confidence to walk in my truth - my “calling,” for lack of a better word - about what my role is in this particular period of this lifetime. Fortunately, the struggle is less frequent these days as I pay more honor to my ‘gut’ and take risks to follow my instincts. I’m often pleasantly surprised by the outcome.
For months I’ve been feeling the desire to hold space for a group of women each month, meeting on or near the new moon. Books like Arin Murphy-Hiscock’s The Green Witch and Sandra Ingerman’s The Book of Ceremony have emboldened me to more fully embrace the traits I have formally considered my “quirks” of intuition, sensitivity to my surroundings (environment and people), and yearnings to manifest creative expression as gifts to be honored, instead of ignored.
Earlier this week, on the night of February’s new moon, my vision came to fruition with the first gathering of Wise Women in Sacred Circle in my home. In retrospect I see I’ve been in a season of preparation - both within myself and within my home - in the weeks and months leading up to this. The exact people who needed to be present that night were in attendance, and after we formally opened our time together, the sharing commenced in a way that could not have been orchestrated in any way other than Divine.
There’s something magical that happens when a group of women gather with purpose - just ask the men who have been attempting to silence us throughout the ages - and I look with expectancy to the coming months and the energy we will tap into as our group expands in number and grows in strength, wisdom, and the power of sisterly love.